You. Are. Enough!

Today made me sad. I was asked to sit in on a few convos on FB in primarily singles groups, and I am discouraged by what I read. I won’t share the whole experience, but let me say a few things to reinforce and uplift.
Beautiful women: yes, if you’re a woman, I am, in fact, talking to you!
You. Are. Enough.
Your value is not contingent on the hair you choose to wear, cut, color, or buy. Your shape right now is not just tolerated but desired by many. You have options, so don’t accept being optional. Your words have power, so don’t use them against yourself. You do the work that makes you better, not use the words that make you or someone else feel worse. There is infinite supply that goes as far as your beliefs. Do not, for anyone, fight to be the ribbon when you are already the gift!
Glorious men – You matter. Your goals don’t have to be dependent on others judgements, fears, or opinions of you. You are needed, even if others have not yet had the benefit of recognizing your necessity. Vulnerability is not emasculating, it is opportune. Perfection should not be demanded until achieved, and that goes for us all. Focusing on what you don’t want will get you just that. What we all think about, we bring about.
Many of these are interchangeable, so in love, I will say today that what is more important than changing your suit, your hair, your car, or your size is changing your mind.
Amen, and good night…..