Just Be...

Hey, all!

One of the things I have been getting several messages about is how people are feeling pressured that they are not doing groundbreaking things during this time at home. Many are inquiring what should they be doing with this time away from work? My answer to them? Just be.

For many, it’s a pandemic, not a vacation. A challenge, not a break. A struggle, not a breakthrough. It’s OK to not be OK until you are.

Now does not have to be the time where your skin gets better, your hair gets shinier, or your bank account gets fancier. If you need to work your way up to that, allow it! So many of us need to heal our spirits and do internal work that allows us to prepare for the inevitable changes ahead. It is necessary development work for your growth, so give yourself permission to do it. Your heightened prepared state is inevitable, so doing that work at the beginning of the shift is easier than stopping in the middle, if that journey is possible. Your journey is yours, so do not compare your beginning to someone else’s middle or end. You do not know how much work was done or missed to get them where they are today and to be honest, that doesn’t matter. Celebrate what you see in them and continue what is possible in you. That is the journey that matters. Run your own race and win.